Berry Trucking – Rolling CB Interview

Can your 386 do this?

After SuperRigs in Joplin, June 2016, Chad and Lisa Berry of Berry Trucking roll down the road with Big Rig Videos with talks of past trucks, solid marriages and the desire to build something amazing.

See footage of the Curbsniffer, a 386 that stands out from the rest and was unveiled earlier in the year at the Mid America Truck Show in Louisville, KY. This truck made its mark and made Berry Trucking a prominent company amoungst the show world. Learn where Chad’s love of trucks started and how in 2003 everything changed at age 24.

How does a marriage stay solid to a trucker? Listen to Lisa’s response and the main reasoning she made herself learn to wrench alongside Chad. Both Chad and Lisa reflect on how everything went and they remain true to the statement “No regrets”.

Photos & Write Up By:
Stephanie Haas – Diesel Addict Photos

This video is presented by Bad Ass Custom Truck Parts check them out here –
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